Thursday, April 19, 2012

Back or Stay

I just brought a ticket for May 21th. This is not really excited for me, because i have back from China last summer, so this doesn't matter . One thing was happened quickly in my life, i dont know what to do, but the true is i can not go back to China on May 21th. I know I need to stay in here for the summer break unitl that thing have over. This is not what i expect, but i know i m not a child anymore, i have to stay as strong. So i decided today, i m going to cancel my ticket and stay in the United States for the summer break.

1 comment:

  1. HI !!
    I have been staying in Chicago almost for 6 yrs, but I have never seen my parents because I think one day I could come back to my country sooner or later..I may not be able to come back Korea on this summer break.
