Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lower Antelope Canyon

Here are Lower Antelope Canyon in AZ. 

Hi, the picture above shows where I stopped by last spring break time. 
There are Antelope Canyon in AZ that is composed of two different parts as lower and upper. 
Actually, I expected the Antelope will be main area to visit surely on spring break, but when I arrived there it is more fantastic place than how I expected there. First, there gave me a feel maybe here are not the real world. There are as much made of the strange beautiful rocks. Second, there are still shape of canyon change very slowly by wind. It is reason why people want to go there each time. If you want to go Grand Canyon travel. I highly recommend you have to stop by Antelope Canyon especially lower Canyon.

Back or Stay

I just brought a ticket for May 21th. This is not really excited for me, because i have back from China last summer, so this doesn't matter . One thing was happened quickly in my life, i dont know what to do, but the true is i can not go back to China on May 21th. I know I need to stay in here for the summer break unitl that thing have over. This is not what i expect, but i know i m not a child anymore, i have to stay as strong. So i decided today, i m going to cancel my ticket and stay in the United States for the summer break.

English 099 almost over!!!

Here we are almost finishing the English 099! Just 4 weeks left!!! Have you thought about the course? Did you get the most of it? Are you satisfied? I am very proud of my work and I really enjoy it. I wish we had more time to practice the essay. I am very worry if I will succeed in the english 100. But the best I can do is to try to do my best, just the way I did at 099.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I need relax.

Finally, I returned from long trip to southern part of America. I visited San francisco, Las vegas, Grand canyon. I drove at least around 2600miles during this trip and I passed through total 4 states - CA, NV, AZ and UT. Since I drove for a long time, I was extremely tired and exhausted. So, as soon as I came back trip I almost fainted and slept all day long. Even after school, I did't have any energy to review or to do homework and sleep over and over. So, I think I need to take a rest for this weekend and let me post travel pics one by one.

Friday, March 30, 2012

640,000,000 in the air !!!!!

The drawing is tonight. Can you imagine what you could do with 640,000,000. I cannot! I really would like to have some of it. In my opinion, It is a lot of money just for one person. I playes ir today and I will be more than happy if I get just 1,000,000. Let cross our fingers!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finally! I got it!

I ordered a telescope from internet last weekend but I couldn't expect to get it before my trip. However, unexpectedly, I received it today. Although it is for beginners, I think that is enough to watch stars. Since I'm going for camping in Grand canyon national park next week, I'm so expecting to use it when I watch stars in the sky at night. I think I need to study for constellations more :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Distinct Place to visit...

Usually, when you travel you want to visit museums, churches, malls, important streets, etc. But in Paris you can visit an interesting place: The Cemetery of Pere Lachaise, where a lot of famous people such as Maria Callas (opera singer), Oscar Wilde (English writer), Jim Morrison (singer), are buried. If you are not in Paris, you can visit the web site and you will have the option of make a virtual tour . Here is the site: